All Things Purim

Mishloach Manot (Purim baskets)

Order by Sunday, March 9 at 11:00 PM

Perform the mitzvah of giving Mishloach Manot! Sharing the joy of Purim by giving Mishloach Manot to others is a central Mitzvah of the holiday and also allows us to reinforce our sense of Jewish community. It is also a fundraiser to support CEH. Simply complete the order form and CEH will do the rest. Click here to order.

Special thanks to Phil Rosenthal for sponsoring this year's Mishloach Manot fundraiser.

If you need assistance, please contact the office.

Sunflower Bakery Free Delivery

Order by Thursday, March 6, 12:00 PM

Sunflower Bakery will again be offering free delivery of Purim baked goods. View the Purim menu here. Place your order here. At checkout, indicate Etz Hayim as Purim pickup location (look under March 11 or 12). 

Order by: Thursday, March 6 at 12:00 PM on Sunflower's website and designate CEH as your pickup location.

Pickup: Wednesday, March 12 from 4:30 - 6:45 PM in CEH lobby or by arrangement (email office).

Purim Carnival

Sunday, March 9, 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Come in costume (optional) and join us for an amazing Purim celebration! Games, food, raffle, and prizes! Adults free. $10 per child. $20 maximum per family. No advanced registration required.

Cash only at the door.

Volunteers are needed for the Purim Carnival. Click here to help!

Ta'anit Esther (Fast of Esther) and Morning Minyan

Thursday, March 13, 7:30 AM

Purim Shpiel - Princess Bride

Thursday, March 13, 7:15 PM

Preceded by Service and Megillah reading (Get Those Groggers Ready)

A short Ma'ariv service begins at 7:15, followed by Megillah reading, Purim shpiel, and drinks both hard and soft. Come in costume.

In order to make this successful, we need actors, musicians, and techies. Please email the office if you are able to help. 

Purim Service

Friday, March 14, 7:30 AM

Join us for the Shacharit Purim service and Megillah reading, followed by lox, bagels, and mimosas.

Purim Tot Shabbat

Friday, March 14, 5:15 - 6:00 PM

Join us for a Purim-themed Tot Shabbat (families with 0-6 year olds and siblings)! Our service will include a few prayers, songs, a story and more. Costumes encouraged! Click here to register.

This program is supported by The David Schwartz Fund and through a grant from The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington.

Mitzvah Opportunities

Purim: It's not just about hamantaschen! It's also an opportunity to support our friends and neighbors!

It's a mitzvah on Purim to give money and food to those in need! You can fulfill the mitzvah by giving directly to a place or person of your choosing or you can use one of the links provided here:

Donations for the hungry in Arlington through AFAC

Formals for Five

CEH is accepting donations in the collection box in the lobby from March 2 to April 21 of clothing and accessories for teenagers to wear to prom.

Formals for Five is a fun way for Arlington high school seniors to shop for outfits for prom and graduation at great prices! All proceeds go to Washington-Liberty High School’s Best Buddies chapter and to buy dresses for future sales. Don't have dresses but still want to help? Buy a dress from our Amazon wishlist!

Questions? Contact Elisa Rosman,