Yahrzeit Observances

February 22 - 28

William Howard Arkin**

Sidney Bratt**

Sarah Rebecca Brown**

Julius Coen**

Constance Eisen

Ruth Ann Ferguson

Rose Grossman**

Nathan Heiserman**

Alyce (Allegra) Jacobs**

Marvin Levenberg**

Maralyn Isaacs Levens**

Robert Isaac Mosse**

Esther Fiedelman**

Ruth Greene Fiedelman

Sarah Fleischmann**

Hadassah Gottesman

Rubin Gotthelf**

Pauline Grossman**

Harold November**

Neil Parker

Stanley Salsberg

Leah Smotrich

Billy Stevenson**

Pearl Wantman**

Simcha Wyckoff

**Memorialized with a bronze plaque located in the Memorial Alcove. Each bronze memorial plaque bears the individual’s name and Yahrzeit date. Memorial plaques are illuminated during the Yahrzeit week. The plaques in our Memorial Alcove are a permanent part of Congregation Etz Hayim and serve as perpetual memorials.

Please contact the office to let us know of Yahrzeits you would like to have acknowledged in the synagogue’s weekly program.

Click here to make a donation in honor of an upcoming Yahrzeit.