Pesach 2025

Passover Information

Pesach is a time for us to retell the story of our redemption and liberation from Egypt, contemplate what we would need to be truly liberated today and take seriously the plight of others in our midst and far away who cannot call themselves free people. Members & non-members alike are welcome to join us for any of our programs and services. Please see below for the links, resources, and calendar information you need to prepare for and celebrate.


Sell Your Chametz: Click here to sign our form by 8:00 AM on April 11 authorizing the sale of your chametz.

Pesach Resources

  • Click here for a Pesach Guide

  • Click here for the Rabbinical Assembly Guide

  • Click here for videos teaching how to kasher your kitchen

  • Click here to read the Teshuva that allows Ashkenazim to eat kitniyot by Rabbi David Golinkin

  • Click here to read “Seder Interrupted: A Post October 7 Haggadah Supplement”

Pesach Seder Pairings

Need a seat? Have a seat at your seder table? We will help pair people who are looking for a seder to attend in someone’s home. If you are able to host a CEH guest for a seder - or if you are a guest looking for a seder - please let us know here

All Who Are Hungry

Every seder we say, “all who are hungry, let them come and eat!” Let’s put our money where our mouths (and haggadot) are by feeding our local hungry through AFAC.

Moti's Passover Food Delivery

Deadline to order: March 31. Moti's is delighted to offer complimentary Passover delivery to CEH. Order from Moti’s directly by their deadline for free delivery on the dates below. Moti’s menu and order instructions here.


  • Groceries: Wednesday, April 2, at 11:00 AM

  • Prepared Foods: Wednesday, April 9, at 11:00 AM

If you cannot arrive at 11am, please let the office know and we will hold your food until your arrival. Moti's Online Grocery Store! When prompted, select “pick up” at Congregation Etz Hayim on the above delivery dates. Continue through the prompts until you are provided the opportunity to complete payment and “place order”. Questions? Call Moti’s at 301-822-4010.

Passover Programs

Omer Learning Project

What's so Jewish about music?

Deadline to Submit: Friday, April 4 first round, and continuing through May 26

Every day during the Omer (the count of 49 days between Pesach and Shavuot), we share your submissions on a given topic. The topic this year? Jewish music! Or at least... Jew-ish music. Send us links to your favorite songs or music with a Jewish connection. Whether it be a tune you love from shul, a piece by a Jewish composer that gives you goosebumps, or a song with lyrics that gets you reflecting on a Jewish topic, we want to hear it. Literally!

Sign up to get the daily count and song delivered to your inbox here

Submit a song or two (or three!) here

Learn more here

Outing to Casa Rosada Artisan Gelato

Sunday, April 6, 1:30 - 2:30 PM

Get ready for Passover and join us at Cafe Rosada Artisan Gelato to try their haroset flavor (or choose from one of their other 20 flavors of gelato, including vegan and sugar-free options). Then come back to CEH for Lasagna Baking at 3:00 PM.

Lasagna Baking for Good Deeds Day

Sunday, April 6, 3:00 - 4:00 PM

Join the Social Action Committee to bake lasagnas to donate to our friends at New Hope Housing for Good Deeds Day. If you prefer to buy/make a non-meat lasagna on your own, it can be dropped off between 10 and 11 AM.  

Tot Shabbat

Friday, April 11, 5:15 - 6:00 PM

Join us for a Passover-themed Tot Shabbat (families with 0-6 year olds and siblings)! Our service will include a few prayers, songs, a story and more.  

Click here to register.

Passover Senior Schmooze

Wednesday, April 16, 12:30 - 2:00 PM

Join your senior friends for lunch provided by CEH and schmoozing. Rav Amelia will join us as we enjoy Passover together. Use whatever definition of "senior" you like. Lunch will be in the back of the sanctuary.

Click here to register.

Beit Midrash: Pesach Ask the Rabbi

Wednesday, April 16, 7:00 - 8:30 PM

Do you have any questions about Pesach, the Seders, or the Haggadah that you’ve been itching to get answered? Include your questions in the registration form and you might just see your questions featured in our Pesach ask-and-answer Beit Midrash. Zoom link available in the member portal under the Zoom Links tab.

Passover Services

Ta’anit Bechorot Siyum – Fast of the First-Born

Thursday, April 10, 7:30 AM

Are you a first-born hoping not to fast on the Fast of the Firstborn? Join us for a short morning service followed by a siyyum (brief learning session and meal on the occasion of finishing the study of a text). Yes, attendance at the siyum means you don’t have to fast! Youngest and middle children are welcome as well.

Pesach Services

Click here for virtual connection information.