Pluralism and Democracy in Israel - Mar. 16

Sunday, March 16, 6:30 - 7:30 PM

Tammy Gottlieb will be coming from Israel and visiting Congregation Etz Hayim to share stories from her career fighting for democracy and equality in Israel, and the important role American Jews have to play in promoting democracy and pluralism in the Jewish state.

Tammy Gottlieb is the Vice Chairwoman of Women of the Wall which fights for the right of women from all denominations to pray according to their custom at the Kotel, and a member of the World Zionist Organization (WZO) Executive representing the global Masorti/Conservative Movement as well as Director of Signing Anew, an Israeli NGO that supports social action organizations that work to promote the democratic values espoused in Israel’s Declaration of Independence. Tammy also serves on the governing body of the WZO’s Hostages and Hostage Families Directorate, which oversees the implementation of official Israeli government programs serving returned hostages and hostages’ families.


Tot Shabbat - Mar. 14


Purim at CEH