Book Review by Barry Altman: “Under My Bubbe’s Wings”

The following excerpt is taken from Barry Altman’s blog post, “A Very Special Book.”

“Under My Bubbe’s Wings” is a biographical account of the lives of Holocaust survivors David and Ruth Flaum, written by their son, my friend Iser Flaum.  Iser uses the clever technique of telling his folks’ stories in his father’s voice; i.e. as though David was doing the writing. This creates an even more intimate sense that you are right there with him during those terrible times.

Iser tells his father’s story based on stories he had heard since he was a little boy. David Flaum was a strong, willful person who survived on that strength along with a good dose of guile, common sense, and the ability to learn quickly, and thus be of use where perhaps others would not be.

Click here to read the full article by Barry Altman about this Holocaust memoir.  Altman is a frequent attendee at events and services, is the father of CEH member Elisa Rosman, and is the grandpa of Hannah, Emma, David & Jonah Rosman.

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