Welcome to Etz Hayim
Arlington’s Only Conservative Synagogue
Congregation Etz Hayim is a wonderful, sacred community, a Kehilah Kedoshah. There is a special warmth in our intimate inclusive conservative congregation. We revere and embrace the rich heritage of our Jewish traditions and teachings while encouraging diversity and freedom of expression. Every generation of our Jewish community is well-represented. Our services are egalitarian and open to participation for our longtime and newest members, as well as guests.
CEH is Hiring: Director of Education & Programming
Click here to learn more.
Summer Camp and Preschool Enrollment is Open!

Featured Programs
Monthly Events
Click here to view our full calendar of events & search our upcoming agenda.
CEH hosts a potluck each month following Shabbat services. All dishes must be dairy or vegetarian.
Sci-Fi Book Group
CEH’s sci-fi book group meets every 2-3 months.
Tot Shabbat
Tot Shabbat is held monthly for children ages 0-6 and siblings. Click here to learn more.
Minyan Tzair
Minyan Tzair (Junior Congregation) is held select Saturdays during the academic year for 3rd-6th graders. Click here for more information.
Caregiver Support Group
Are you caring for or helping an elder, spouse, or loved one in cognitive or physical decline? Do you want emotional support or practical resources to help you? Join our next session to participate or just listen. Monthly virtual noontime sessions are facilitated by a Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA) representative. Non-Etz Hayim members are welcome.
Adult Education
Education is a core part of our community. We have regular Beit Midrash classes taught by our rabbi on Wednesday nights, Lunch & Learn sessions on Shabbat, Book clubs, and other activities. Congregants and outside speakers also lead educational programs.
Annual Events
Casino Night
It’s all fun and games at Casino Night! There is blackjack, poker, roulette and craps tables as well as food and music.
CEH hosts an annual end-of-summer picnic - Join your fellow congregants for food, friends, and fun!